Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Governor and his Guns

Yesterday our very own Governor Rick Perry was in Dallas visiting a gun shop.  The friendly visit was documented in The Dallas Observer today.  He told his now famous story about saving a family pet from a coyote by shooting it with his own gun.  Governor Perry is not shy about telling other's what guns he owns, or what guns he recommends.  He actually had a man ask what he would recommend, and Perry showed him exactly what he thought would be appropriate for this certain individual. 

While in the gun shop Governor Perry told answered some questions about the campaign against Bill White.  He is keeping his word about not debating White because White did not release his tax returns by midnight last night.  He would have agreed to a debate had White released them by midnight last night. 

Governor Perry showed his support for the Texas gun laws.  He believes that they make our state a safer place to live.  I tend to agree with him.  If you want to read an article that shows Perry making real conversation with real citizens about topics we all understand, this is a great read.
