Friday, November 12, 2010

Commentary on Austin Community College's taxing district

In response to my classmate's blog post about citizens in A small town in Texas called Bastrop not wanting their town to be voted into the Austin Community College District I want to say that she is right and I whole heartedly believe in the right to a higher education. She argues that the citizens whom are against the proposal need to realze that this is a wonderful opportunity for those in Bastrop to be able to more readily afford a higher education. If Bastrop is passes this proposal it will open the door to a college education for many people. Some citizens are worried about it bringing the big city into their small town. Every town in our country is going to grow at some point, Bastrop is growing so why hold back the citizens who would like to persue a higher education jut to keep ahold of that "small town" feel? I think it is an amazing opportunity for Bastrop and they should accept it and run with it!

Sadly, three school districts including Basrop propsition  to join Austin Community College's taxing district on November 2, 2010