Friday, December 10, 2010

Commentary on Occupation License-friend to repeat DWI offenders

A classmate of mine, Aaron, wrote an editorial on his blog,
effects of a drunk driving accident. What happened to the motto, "Drink, Drive, Go to Jail."?
about the issue in Texas of repeat DWI offenders being given "Occupational" drivers licenses. These licenses are given for circumstances when a person needs to be able to travel to and from work and to and from errands such as doctor's appointment. What are these judges thinking when signing off for a repeat DWI offender to be allowed behind the wheel of a vehicle at any time of the day? Aaron thinks that this is outright ridiculous. I completely agree with him. This does not give me a piece of mind when driving my two young children places we need to be. There are many people in our state whom don't drive, and they are perfectly capable of getting where they need to be. There are city buses, taxis they can call, and possibly friends or family they could pay a little gas money to to pick them up. Aaron points out that there is little background checking done by the judges before they sign for an offender to obtain an occupational license, and judges rarely deny a request for one. Its a shame to me as a mother to think that these judges are not thinking about the many families whom have been affected by the devestating