Friday, December 10, 2010

Commentary on Occupation License-friend to repeat DWI offenders

A classmate of mine, Aaron, wrote an editorial on his blog,
effects of a drunk driving accident. What happened to the motto, "Drink, Drive, Go to Jail."?
about the issue in Texas of repeat DWI offenders being given "Occupational" drivers licenses. These licenses are given for circumstances when a person needs to be able to travel to and from work and to and from errands such as doctor's appointment. What are these judges thinking when signing off for a repeat DWI offender to be allowed behind the wheel of a vehicle at any time of the day? Aaron thinks that this is outright ridiculous. I completely agree with him. This does not give me a piece of mind when driving my two young children places we need to be. There are many people in our state whom don't drive, and they are perfectly capable of getting where they need to be. There are city buses, taxis they can call, and possibly friends or family they could pay a little gas money to to pick them up. Aaron points out that there is little background checking done by the judges before they sign for an offender to obtain an occupational license, and judges rarely deny a request for one. Its a shame to me as a mother to think that these judges are not thinking about the many families whom have been affected by the devestating

Friday, November 12, 2010

Commentary on Austin Community College's taxing district

In response to my classmate's blog post about citizens in A small town in Texas called Bastrop not wanting their town to be voted into the Austin Community College District I want to say that she is right and I whole heartedly believe in the right to a higher education. She argues that the citizens whom are against the proposal need to realze that this is a wonderful opportunity for those in Bastrop to be able to more readily afford a higher education. If Bastrop is passes this proposal it will open the door to a college education for many people. Some citizens are worried about it bringing the big city into their small town. Every town in our country is going to grow at some point, Bastrop is growing so why hold back the citizens who would like to persue a higher education jut to keep ahold of that "small town" feel? I think it is an amazing opportunity for Bastrop and they should accept it and run with it!

Sadly, three school districts including Basrop propsition  to join Austin Community College's taxing district on November 2, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Race in On

The race is on. Will our great state of Texas vote a new governor into office or vote to keep our current governor? The choice is up to the voters. Early voting is in full swing, and this year I decided I would vote early instead of waiting until election day as I normally do. The big question was now, who should I vote for?  I'm usually pretty sure who I want to vote for very early on. However this race for governor actually had me questioning who I should vote for. I honestly think both candidates in this race made some good points in their campaigns on issues Texas faces. I also believe that their past accomplishments, schooling, and family values will play a big part in how successful they can be in leading our state. That is what I decided to look at when making my final decision. Here is what I found.
Candidate Bill White grew up in San Antonio with his parents who both taught in public schools. He attended Harvard University and the University of Texas. He and his wife have three children and attend a Methodist church in Houston where he taught Sunday school . Bill White and his wife are passionate about their charitable organizations. Together they started Expectation Graduation to help reduce drop out rates. They along with other's in the organization went to houses of students who had not returned to school to try and help them get back into school. Bill White is nationally recognized as an energy expert. He has pushed for ways to reduce the nation's dependency on foreign oil. He also served as the United State's Deputy Secretary on Energy. Most recently Bill White is the two time re-elected Mayor of Houston. As mayor he made public safety a a top priority, resulting in Houston's crime rate dropping to the lowest levels in more than twenty five years.
Governor and Candidate Rick Perry was one of the first members of his family to graduate from college. He attended Texas A&M, graduating with a degree in animal science. He served in the United States Air Force flying C-130's. Rick Perry is married his wife Anita, and together they have two children. Perry is a lifetime member of the NRA and American legion Post #75. Prior to being elected Lieutenant Governor in 1998 he served two terms as Commissioner of Agriculture, and three terms in the Texas House of Representatives. While serving as the state's 47th governor of Texas led the nation in the creation of jobs. Rick Perry has led the fight for better schools and education in Texas. Texas now has the largest teacher performance pay program, and has been recognized as a leader in preparing students to graduate high school and college. He has also been an aggressive leader in pursuing border safety. We now have more patrolling by foot, and by helicopter on our borders.
Obviously these are only a few points to their background and previous accomplishments. Still all very important none the less. Off to the polls I go to place my vote for Texas Governor.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Debates...Yes or No?

In her commentary article in the Austin American Statesman on Thursday, September 23, 2010 Frances McIntyre argues that candidates running for office should be willing to participate in debates with their opponents in order for the voters to be better informed. I tend to agree with her on this particular issue. She explains that in Austin this year, The Austin League of Women Voters offered the candidates for the State Board of Education an opportunity to participate in a candidate forum. All candidates from districts 5 and 10 were invited to participate. This debate would have provided the canidates free exposure to a large television audience. The questions for the candidates would have come from the public. Disappointingly, several candidates have chosen not to participate.

Don't these candidates understand that their choice not to participate may effect the outcome of the election? Participating in a debate, and answering questions asked specifically by the general public should be considered an important part of their campaign, if not a defining event in their campaign. Many voters trying to educate themselves on the candidates will most likely choose a candidate they are able to get answers from. Choosing not to participate makes these certain candidates look like the are possibly hiding something they do not want the public to know, or they simply believe they already have this particular election in the bag. Election results may not turn out as they wish if they don't allow the voters to see what their goals and plans for our country, states, and cities are.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Governor and his Guns

Yesterday our very own Governor Rick Perry was in Dallas visiting a gun shop.  The friendly visit was documented in The Dallas Observer today.  He told his now famous story about saving a family pet from a coyote by shooting it with his own gun.  Governor Perry is not shy about telling other's what guns he owns, or what guns he recommends.  He actually had a man ask what he would recommend, and Perry showed him exactly what he thought would be appropriate for this certain individual. 

While in the gun shop Governor Perry told answered some questions about the campaign against Bill White.  He is keeping his word about not debating White because White did not release his tax returns by midnight last night.  He would have agreed to a debate had White released them by midnight last night. 

Governor Perry showed his support for the Texas gun laws.  He believes that they make our state a safer place to live.  I tend to agree with him.  If you want to read an article that shows Perry making real conversation with real citizens about topics we all understand, this is a great read.
