Monday, October 4, 2010

Debates...Yes or No?

In her commentary article in the Austin American Statesman on Thursday, September 23, 2010 Frances McIntyre argues that candidates running for office should be willing to participate in debates with their opponents in order for the voters to be better informed. I tend to agree with her on this particular issue. She explains that in Austin this year, The Austin League of Women Voters offered the candidates for the State Board of Education an opportunity to participate in a candidate forum. All candidates from districts 5 and 10 were invited to participate. This debate would have provided the canidates free exposure to a large television audience. The questions for the candidates would have come from the public. Disappointingly, several candidates have chosen not to participate.

Don't these candidates understand that their choice not to participate may effect the outcome of the election? Participating in a debate, and answering questions asked specifically by the general public should be considered an important part of their campaign, if not a defining event in their campaign. Many voters trying to educate themselves on the candidates will most likely choose a candidate they are able to get answers from. Choosing not to participate makes these certain candidates look like the are possibly hiding something they do not want the public to know, or they simply believe they already have this particular election in the bag. Election results may not turn out as they wish if they don't allow the voters to see what their goals and plans for our country, states, and cities are.

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